ISO 27001 and the ISMS

ISO 27001 und ISMS


What is the ISO 27001?

The ISO 27001 standard was defined by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) and developed particularly for information security management. It specifies requirements for an information security management system (ISMS) that helps to increase information security in companies. High information security means that the information security objectives are achieved. These are

  1. Confidentiality,
  2. integrity and
  3. availability of information

ISO 27001 includes a systematic and proactive approach to identifying, assessing and managing information security risks. The practices and controls help to identify and close security gaps in order to minimize potential security incidents. ISO 27001 provides a framework for the development, implementation, monitoring and continuous improvement of an ISMS.

What is an ISMS and why is it important for ISO 27001?

An information security management system is a structured and holistic framework. It comprises guidelines, procedures, processes and technical controls aimed at protecting the confidentiality, integrity and availability of information (= objectives of information security).

The ISMS is crucial to the implementation of the ISO 27001 standard as it provides the framework within which the requirements of the standard can be met. By implementing an ISMS, companies can ensure that their information security practices are systematically developed, implemented, monitored and improved, which in turn contributes to meeting the ISO 27001 requirements.

An ISMS is generally based on the PDCA cycle (Plan – Do – Check – Act), which enables continuous improvement of the information security level.

What is the PDCA Cycle?

The PDCA cycle (Plan-Do-Check-Act) is a well-established model for continuous improvement that is often used as part of quality and management standards. The phases of the PDCA cycle are as follows:

PDCA Cycle

The PDCA cycle enables companies to continuously improve their performance by systematically setting, implementing, reviewing and adjusting targets.

How is an ISMS set up?

The main components of an ISMS include:

Implementing an ISMS in accordance with the requirements of ISO 27001 helps to strengthen the trust of customers, partners and other stakeholders in your company. ISO 27001 and a well-structured ISMS are therefore essential components for companies that want to ensure that their information is adequately protected and meets data protection, compliance and security requirements. They also actively protect themselves against potential threats.

How does a company set up an ISMS?

The development of an ISMS requires a systematic method based on the company’s individual requirements and risks. A typical procedure includes the following steps:

Steps 7 and 8 correspond to the Check and Act steps in the PDCA cycle.

Our experts support you on your way to ISO 27001 certification or any other desired certification such as TISAX® certification, ISO 21434, ISO 9001, etc.

We support you from the preparation to the audit and can also take over communication with the certification body/auditor on request.

How to obtain ISO 27001 certification?

The ISO 27001 certification audit is carried out by independent certification bodies that check the conformity of a company with the requirements of the ISO 27001 standard. The certification process usually comprises the following steps:

ISO 27001 involves an annual review audit and a recertification audit every 3 years by an external audit service provider.

What are the ISO 27001 requirements for certification?

ISO 27001 specifies a number of requirements that companies must fulfill in order to be certified. The most important requirements include

  1. Defining the scope of the ISMS: Defining the scope of the ISMS, including the information to be protected and the relevant legal and regulatory requirements.
  2. Risk assessment and treatment: Identifying and assessing information security risks and implementing risk mitigation measures.
  3. Policy and procedure development: Creating policies, procedures and processes to control and monitor information security activities.
  4. Implementation of controls: Introduction of technical and organizational controls to safeguard


What are the benefits of ISO 27001 certification?

ISO 27001 certification can help companies gain the trust of their customers and other stakeholders as it demonstrates that the company has implemented appropriate security measures to protect its own information and that of its supply chain. As ISO 27001 is internationally recognized, it is also recognized worldwide as a “proof of trust”.

The key benefits include:

Automated solutions, such as NORM X, can save both costs and time.

With our NORM X solution, you ensure a fast and efficient journey to ISO 27001 certification. With over 40 years of expertise and the IX Certification Engine, NORM X puts you in the fast lane to your goal:


ISO 27001 and the information security management system (ISMS) play a crucial role in ensuring information security in companies. By implementing an ISMS in accordance with the requirements of ISO 27001, organizations can proactively identify, assess and address security risks to adequately protect their information.

ISO 27001 certification offers a wide range of benefits, including improved security, risk mitigation, compliance with legal requirements and gaining the trust of customers and partners. By continuously monitoring, reviewing and improving the ISMS, companies can ensure that their information security practices meet changing requirements and thus make an important contribution to the long-term success of the company.