BVMW Certification: ISEGRIM X AG has been recognized as the newest member of the BVMW consulting network!
We have successfully mastered the BVMW certification procedure and, after passing the test, may now adorn ourselves with the certificate of the BVMW. This proves that ISEGRIM X …
- knows exactly what circumstances and conditions our customers face.
- gives recommendations for action that can be confidently implemented.
- experts participate in regular professional exchanges with other members of the BVMW network in order to ensure the highest possible quality of consulting.
We offer clear, reliable and competent Consulting and in doing so, we create Information Security and Digital Trust.
Would you like to benefit from our solutions?
We would be pleased to present our solutions to you in a non-binding first meeting and to answer your questions. Just use our calendar tool “Calendly” to arrange an appointment that suits you!