Outsourcing: What do i need to consider? Advantages & Best Practices

Outsourcing: Best Practice in the Economy. Knowledge for companies.


Outsourcing, Digitization and Information Security

To keep up with the rapid pace of digitization, many companies are outsourcing some of their processes. In addition to the many advantages, outsourcing also offers risks – especially when it comes to protecting your company’s information. In this article, we explain the basics of outsourcing, what advantages and disadvantages it provides, and what you need to keep in mind as a company.

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Assessing the information security level of potential suppliers can be difficult. Don’t worry, we have a simple solution for you. Use our Supplier Checklist for Information Security to select adequate and trustworthy suppliers for your company! 
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What is Outsourcing?

Outsourcing is a corporate strategy in which a company does not provide all services itself, but contracts external companies to do so. In outsourcing, companies hand over their own processes or even subareas to external service providers.

Types of Outsourcing

All over Germany, more and more companies are deciding to outsource tasks, processes or entire sub-areas. There are different types of outsourcing, which can be divided as follows:

Advantages of Outsourcing - especially in Information Security

Outsourcing offers many advantages. It is no surprise that more and more companies are hopping on the trend. Some of the benefits of outsourcing Information Security Services would include for example:

Disadvantages of Outsourcing

Of course, disadvantages need to be mentioned as well. However, disadvantages should only arise if the conditions between the company and the service provider were not sufficiently specified in advance.

To avoid these negative consequences when outsourcing, you should make sure that framework conditions, e.g. for communication, are defined in advance and are also adhered to while cooperation.

Why Information Security is important and how to outsource it

Information security is important to every company, no matter how big or small, no matter what industry, and no matter what product or service is provided. Because your information is your most valuable asset. To protect your company information, you should continuously improve your information security. 

Wait a minute – you don’t have any specialist for Information Security, such as an Information Security Officer (ISO), Data Protection Officer (DPO) or IT Security Manager? Don’t worry! With our solutions, you can easily outsource the processes and tasks related to information security. 

Would you like to outsource you Information Security?

We are pleased to support you as an external service provider and handle various tasks related to information security for you. In addition to our solutions for data protection, backup and cyber security, we also offer …